Saor Patrol is a band that has it’s roots in Scottish “Clan” Culture, and because of this origin we have always valued such concepts as society, community, mutual defence and support, and brotherly & sisterly love. What most people would term “Family !”.
This is probably why, as opposed to a lot of bands, who give their fans time in a meet and greet, Saor Patrol have always been less inclined toward this, and can more often be found after a concert, socialising with their fans at the bar.
And the band have always been amazed to find so many people round the world, who are of a similar mindset. Because of this we have always found it difficult not to engage with like minded people.
That is the reason we refer to our fans as the Saor Patrol Family. To this end, we would like to dedicate this page to our extended “Clan” ! those people who give us as much joy in what we do, as hopefully we give them. It is no small thing that our Clan have, on more than a few occasions, surprised us with their friendship. They have seen us at our best, and worst. We have enjoyed their company, shared ups and downs with them, moments that have seen us laugh with them, partied with them, eaten and drank with them, shared personal moments with them, and even cried with them. We have shared in each others lives on this journey with them.
And that is why we would like to first introduce those of you who are new to Saor Patrol, to what has become “Clan Saor Patrol”, you can find a link to our online community here :- Clan Saor Patrol
And to those of you who have been with us all these years, we would just like to say this:
“Thank you for everything, thank you for being with us on our journey (Long may it continue), thank you for your support, your friendship, your kindness, your love ! Thank you for allowing us into your lives, and being part of ours ! We sincerely hope that we will continue to entertain you, and be entertained by you. You have never let us down ! And we hope that we will never be guilty of that in your eye’s either !
Your Saor Patrol.
And just so our possible new Clan have some idea of what they are letting themselves in for, here’s some memories: