Gisela & Colin are a true “One in a Million” couple. they are what we would describe as our Support Crew’s Support, always on hand to take up the slack wherever it is needed, helping the others. they have always been true ambassadors of Saor Patrol, promoting the band any way they can.
So what can we say about Saor Patrols Ambassadors, …. well, Gisela is always there to help out with everything, very organised, and always on hand to help you out with anything you wish to know about Saor Patrol. Happy, cheery and kind, Gisela can mostly be found where the largest concentration of our family and fans are gathered. Always fun to be around, and a calming influence. While Colin, ….. Hmmmm, how do we describe Colin. Well, he’s an Ex-Pat living in Germany with his wife of many years, and not only an Ex-Pat, but an Ex-Pat Geordie. Which is good for us, because the Scots and Geordie’s have always gotten on like a house on fire. Colin is always on hand to help with anything he can, especially if its helping you out at the bar. Colin is always somewhere around, either helping out at the Merchandise Stall, or backstage helping us Load and Unload our gear, …… or making sure the rest of our crew are watered and fed !
We would like to thank Gisela & Colin for their unwavering Support, and help over the years. And we look forward to having them on hand in the future, to keep us, both professionally, and personally, on the right track. Make sure and say hi to them, they are very friendly, and (Despite Colin’s soor geordie puss), very approachable !