Sabine & Tom have been staunch supporters of Saor Patrol for years. They are the kind of people who you can imagine never complain about anything, kind, generous, and ever supportive. Sabine & Tom are kind of like, the rock upon which the Support Crew rests. And they are modest to a fault. We could go on about the level of support they have given, in ways it would be hard to explain to anyone not involved. But, suffice it to say, they are always on hand to do what is necessary, be it helping with Merchandise, Promotion, or helping with logistics. But, the biggest help that comes from Sabine & Tom, is in the form of advice. Intelligent, and very knowledgeable, they are always on hand to advise us in terms of legal advice, and business. To a level which quite frankly, if we’re being bluntly honest, surprises the shit out of us (In a good way).
We would like to acknowledge the help that Sabine & Tom have given us over the years, that they have never sought any thanks for. But just so they know, we are aware of the support they have given freely, even in the background, modest as they both are. So all we can say is “Danke Schöne !”, and we hope our friendship will continue long into the future.